A first acupuncture visit can be a very exciting event, indeed. The first time you receive acupuncture, you may feel thrilled and excited, but also perhaps nervous and scared. Each of these emotions are perfectly normal.


Food: Before every treatment, it is important that you have eaten something within the last three hours. This is because you are about to make your body do some work and it needs calories to do that. You don’t want to be hungry during a treatment. If you eat first, you will be more comfortable and your treatment will be more effective.

Clothes: Acupuncture meridians run all over the body. It is important that the practitioner choose and use the correct points for your treatment. Please wear loose fitting comfortable clothes where the shirt sleeves and pant legs can be rolled up without cutting off circulation.

Emotions: If you are feeling nervous or scared, please feel free to let us know at the beginning of the session so that we can make what ever accommodations you need to feel the most comfortable and to help you to get the utmost enjoyment out of your treatment.

Bathroom: Keep in mind that once you are lying on the table with needles in place, it is very difficult to go to the bathroom. If necessary, please remember to use the bathroom before your appointment.

Safety: Make sure you have time after treatment to rest for 15 minutes if it is necessary. Sometimes, treatments can be intense and it is important for your safety that you are not forced to drive too soon after the session ends.

Intake: Your first intake will be longer than usual, We will talk for about 30-40 minutes. This is because it is our first meeting and we will need time to discuss your medical history and what you are visiting for that day. On your return visits, your intakes will be much shorter, approximately ten minutes.

Treatment: After the intake, you will lie on one of our comfortable treatment tables either face up or face down (depending on the prescribed treatment), and a diagnosis process will begin. This will usually entail feeling the pulse and palpating the abdomen, legs and arms. When a plan is reached, the practitioner will begin inserting needles into the body. After all needles have been inserted, the practitioner will then spend time at each needle to ensure that sensation and movement are happening. The practitioner will then turn out the light and leave the room for the patient to rest. The patient will lie quietly, in the dark room, often with heat lamps keeping them at just the right warmth and comfort. After about 15 minutes the practitioner will return to again stimulate sensation and movement in the needles and leave the patient to rest for another 10 minutes.